Who We Are
The TNR Project is a 100% grassroots community group of independent volunteers and self-help trappers in the San Gabriel Valley. We have been professionally trained & educated by FixNation on the humane practice of TNR & protocol. We work to end the overpopulation of unwanted cats & kittens and truly believe TNR is the true road to No Kill Shelters.
We wholeheartedly support the Community Cat Movement, and will continue The TNR Project until there are no more cats & kittens born on the streets.
We are a 100% volunteer-based organization, meaning every donation or contribution made goes directly to help cats and kittens.
The TNR Project brings together resources to aid our local community, continuously educating the public how important a TNR program is to our community, strays, & homeless cats. We lean heavily on our volunteers and fosters for our cause, and are beyond appreciative for those who take the time to socialize these cats & kittens that cannot safely be returned to outdoor living so they may find their fur-ever homes!
What is TNR?
TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Return. In addition to TNR, our program also conducts TNVR, which stands for Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return.
After trapping outdoor cats & kittens, we take them to a designated veterinary hospital equip to work with outdoor cats. During their time at the vet, each cat is spayed/neutered, vaccinated, given in-depth medical attention, receive flea treatment, and are ear-tipped.
Once spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and deemed healthy enough to go back home, we return our cats to their natural environment to live the rest of their lives happy and healthy at home while also educating the neighborhoods, home owners, and landlords on how to safely work with their outdoor feline counterparts.
Kittens under the age of 4 months and cats too ill to return to their outdoor community safely are taken to rescue centers and/or foster families to continue any additional medical treatments, For our kittens, we work with local shelters find them the perfect fur-ever home!

How can you help?
It's much easier for 30 people to clean up 30 colonies in ONE WEEK, than it is for ONE volunteer to do 30 colonies in 30 weeks!
The best way to help is to get involved!! We host 3-4 volunteer TNR classes a year, giving you the necessary tools to feed, TNR, and foster feral cats. In addition, we work with FixNation to train year-round with their 40-minute online training program.
We work to stop the endless litters of kittens on the streets, but we are always in need of fosters to take in the kittens we find when beginning to help a colony.
Did you know 80% of shelter cats come directly from the streets? If they hiss, are less than 2 lbs, don’t eat, or are sick, they are generally euthanized immediately. By fostering, you are changing the course of these cats lives.
By fostering, you help these kittens have a shot at a happy, healthy life by providing care and socializing them until they are adopted into a fur-ever home.
Rescued cats are special. They bond with their humans like no other pet. Some of them are shy at first because they’ve had a hard time through life, but once trust is built and the bond is formed, you will be thrilled with your new family member!
They know when they have been saved, and they return the love ten-fold! Won't you offer up your love and a second chance for the abandoned? Be a hero & adopt a homeless cat or kitten!
As a volunteer-based organization, we are dependent on the generosity of others to run The TNR Project. 100% of donations go directly towards serving the cat community through vaccinations, veterinary expenses, fostering supplies, trapping services, and so much more!
Please consider donating any amount towards this cause, either through purchasing supplies, connecting with volunteer veterinarians, or through financial means.
We appreciate any and all support for our feline friends, and accept donations through Amazon and PayPal.
Get Vocal
There are not enough TNR educated feet on the street, and the cats desperately need more people to help them! Help us educate neighborhoods through conversations while canvassing neighborhoods to find out who needs help.
People don’t know what they don’t know - so help The TNR Project by educating and spreading the word!