Learn TNR — The TNR Project

CONGRATULATIONS! 22,000+ cats & kittens TNR'd since April 2015! Click here to Learn TNR & Save Lives!

Learn TNR

TNR Registration Process: 

  1. Register your colony with FixNation (this is the clinic where all cats are TNR’d) : CLICK HERE TO REGISTER WITH FIXNATION

  2. Take the online training course in the email they send you (approx. 30-40 minutes) through to completion

  3. When you are done & receive your confirmation, join our vanpool by emailing us that you have completed training & we will get you on board immediately!

  4. If you feel you need to speak with someone and have some questions answered, please fill out the form below and tell us about yourself, your colony and what is going on. 

Resources to Members:

  • Free Trap Rentals + Trap Covers

  • Free Van Ride To & From FixNation 3x/Week From Monrovia & South El Monte

  • Free Appointments for Spay/Neuter/Vaccinations

  • Support Group & New Friends

  • Low Cost Vaccines, FELV/FIV Testing, Flea Meds, Worming, Microchips & Nail Trims for Fosters

  • Access to Adoption Groups & Social Media If You Foster Street Cats & Kittens

TNR Registration

Join the TNR Movement!

If you are currently "out in the field" working with community/stray/feral cats, please come and join us either on the vanpool or at events.

We'd love to meet you!

Thank you for caring, rescuing & stepping up to DO SOMETHING about our feral, stray & community cats! By performing TNR, you are keeping countless cats & kittens out of the shelter system & YOU are saving lives! The fight is on the streets and we are proving TNR is the answer to going “No-Kill”.